Kathryn Weidener

Princeton, NJ
(Mercer County)
Tel 908.963.3368 

Kathryn has been telling tales all her life. Joining the profession of Storytellers has been an opportunity to read and retell great tales with a little embellishment of props and audience participation. School assemblies to assembled senior citizens, the young and the young at heart can join her with fables, folktales, legends and lore. A degree in Speech Communication led to careers in Social Work, Accounting, and Motherhood. Storytelling has been a side profession for 20 years with help from two growing sons and many thanks to our counties great libraries and librarians. Recently Kathryn has performed at The Moth in LA and NYC . She didn't win, but did fair to middlin' and wants to keep at it

Bring your imaginations for the magic of storytelling!

Audience: all ages, especially nursing homes and assisted livings.

Member since: 12/06