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NJ Storytelling Guild: Workshop – Telling by Heart, Not by Rote with Carol Titus

Workshop – Telling by Heart, Not by Rote – telling literary stories with Carol Titus

Our goal as storytellers is to communicate a literary story in a way that is accessible to the listener’s mind and heart. This workshop will provide tips for presenting a literary tale so as to preserve the integrity of the story and its author while incorporating the best skills of the storyteller to lift the text off the page and bring it to life.

The New Jersey Storytelling Guild meets once a month, September through June,  at the Vincent Building, to the right of the Union Congregational Church, 176 Cooper Ave., Upper Montclair NJ. For information and details, please call: 201-836-8209

  • Workshops alternate with story swaps. Times vary according to the season.
  • NJSG annual dues are $30 per year, which includes workshops and Story Swaps.
  • Individual workshops $10 unless otherwise noted. Story Swaps are free.