Patchwork: A Storytelling Guild supports and celebrates World Storytelling Day: New Beginnings on March 20, 2021 @ 7 PM EST. This event is free and open to the public and will be broadcast virtually.
According to Denise McCormack, president of Patchwork,
“Storytellers traditionally tell to live and intimate audiences, but we’re delighted to be able to bring our stories, with all of their integrity and charm, right into people’s homes. It’s thrilling to see that this age-old art form has found a place on such a broad, accessible, and diverse platform, and we’re happy to use it.
The stories are incredible and run the gamut from folk and fairy tales to personal memoir, each one as unique as the teller who tells it.
This really promises to be a great show, and the audience can sit back and relax and just enjoy the experience of imagining those once-upon-a-times that capture our fancies and our hearts, right from their own living rooms.”
This program is sure to delight storylovers everywhere, and features Denise McCormack, Dennis Strain, Karen Maurer, Ed Lewis, Jill Lamede, Ray Tackett, and Rob Aptaker.
We encourage everyone to spread the word!
For more information and to register, visit: