Patchwork: A Storytelling Guild supports and celebrates World Laughter Day on Sunday, May 2, 2021 @ 7 PM EST. This live event is free and open to the public and will be broadcast virtually.
According to Denise McCormack, president of Patchwork,
“We are very excited to 'go bananas' for World Laughter Day with lots of fun and humorous tales. World Laughter Day celebrates laughter yoga, but it shares so many of the tenets and practices of storytelling, especially as a tool for human connection and spiritual health, that we couldn't let the opportunity to participate pass us by.
Laughter yoga by its very nature suggests fun and well-being, and a big part of the process involves play scenarios in which participants act out tiny stories to invoke physical laughter whether or not the guffaws are authentic or not. The idea is to fake it until you make it. But there is more to it than that. The entire concept is rooted in sharing a communal experience which often leads to a profound intimacy with others that emanates through the body. It's really an incredible feeling.
Of course, we plan to generate some real laughter with some truly great stories and storytelling.
Storytellers traditionally tell to live and intimate audiences, and we’re delighted to be able to bring our stories, with all of their integrity and charm, right into people’s homes as we tell them.
This really promises to be a great show, and the audience can sit back and relax and just enjoy the experience of imagining those once-upon-a-times that capture our fancies and our hearts, right from their own living rooms.”
Featured in this amazing lineup are, in alphabetical order, Ingrid Bohn, Barbara Cohen-Kligerman, Judith Heineman, Karen Maurer, Denise McCormack, Les Schaffer, and Ed Stivender.
This program is sure to delight storylovers everywhere, and we encourage everyone to spread the word! We want to put a smile on everyone's faces.
Register now: This event will be broadcast on our site. Register now for details and access to the page.