Thirteen Touched Tales by Joseph R. Dudis

Do you, as a storyteller, need a story for your repertoire? Or two? Or thirteen? I've published a book with literary stories that have been adapted for oral storytelling. You may  be familiar with some of the original authors: L. Fran Baum (no, not Wizard of Oz); O'henry (not Gift of the Magi); Bram Stoker (not Dracula); ...

So, Thirteen Touched Tales by Joseph R. Dudis

The book is published by Lulu Press. You get get to it from the bookdstore at or by clicking the link below. It comes in paperback and ebook. The book comes with premission to tell anywhere anyway you want. You can even record a telling (please don't copy the text to the internet or social media).

Thirteen Touched Tales, by Joseph R. Dudis

Thirteen Touched Tales, the incredible new title by Joseph R. Dudis, is available now in paperback and eBook.

These are stories taken from literature that were written and published 100 or more years ago. They are stories that have been “touched,” i.e., adapted, to make them more suitable to be told orally rather than read. The collection includes 13 of the authors favorite stories ready to be told. Within these stories are ghosts, humor, feeling, and fun. The original authors will be familiar to many readers. Some are targeted to adult audiences, others to children. Readers have permission to tell the adapted stories wherever and however they wish. Permissions extend to recording the stories. However, please don’t copy the stories onto the internet, social media, and such.

About the author: Joe is a long retired Computer Software Developer. After he retired he embarked on avocations using his voice. He has been a professional oral storyteller for over 20 years to adult and children audiences. He joined Toastmaster International in 1988 to polish his speaking skills. He eventually taught public speaking at a local community college for 10 years. He has been a paid and volunteer docent for over 20 years.

Joe likes to read which came in handy as he built his story repertoire which includes literary stories, ghost stories, tall tales, folk tales, and historical stories. It was in the discovery and development of literary stories that Joe’s book emerged. He found literary stories often need to be adapted to fit the oral telling art form. His thought was to share some of his adaptations with other tellers both professional and amateur.

Contact Joe at; joedudis “AT”